75mm Anti-Tank Gun: The Luftwaffe was desperate During 1942 the Luftwaffe was tasked to find ways to halt the increasing tank threat… June 22, 2023Posted inSecond World War
Germany: Supports Nukes for Luftwaffe Germany just published its first national security strategy*. It has some changes from the usual,… June 15, 2023Posted in21st Century
Gripen: What we must learn from Sweden The Saab Gripen is a 4.5th generation aircraft designed for austere, decentralized, dispersed operations. While… June 9, 2023Posted in21st Century
Hypersonic Missiles: Comeback of a Failed Concept? Hypersonic missiles (HCM) and Hypersonic Glide Vehicles (HGV) are not new but have received a… June 3, 2023Posted in21st Century
Inside The Cockpit* – JAS 39 Gripen The Saab JAS 39 Gripen ranks among the most modern and capable fighter jets out… April 30, 2023Posted in21st Century